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Writer's pictureAnanya Walia


Author- Ananya Walia*

Editor- Alan Baiju and Riya Luhadia

"The acquisition of knowledge is the mission of research, the transmission of knowledge is the mission of teaching, and the application of knowledge is the mission of public service."

(James A Stafford)


Right from the evolution of human society, scholars of society are always inclined to probe first-hand verifiable facts and to reveal the truth through research. Research has always been directed towards the ways to come out of a problem. In simple words, we can say research is a prerequisite for a dynamic society.

What is research?

The research per se is a technique for the discovery of truth. In every aspect of a human being's life, there are problems. Research is a tool to find solutions to such problems. Hence here comes the requirement of research in every field.

Characteristics and the type of research

The research is traditionally being characterized through a word spelled as 'MOVIE,' where M stands for mathematical precision and accuracy, O stands for objectivity, V stands for verifiability, I stands for impartibility, and E stands for expertness. The main characteristics of research include its empirical and logical nature, the discovery of new facts, and verification of old facts. Moreover, it establishes the cause-and-effect relationship. Types of research on the basis of the objective of educational research are fundamental research, applied research, and action research.

Overview and origin of Action Research

As the name suggests, action research is related to taking some action. It is a philosophy applied in various fields in problem-solving. It involves simultaneous action along with research. The major involvement of legal research is in educational departments. The word action research was first coined by Kurt Lewin in the year 1934. Kurt Lewin was also known for his field theory. At that time, he gave this research on the basis of the social life of the factory worker and employees.

His research was conducted specifically with the contest in which the problem existed and considered it as the key to arriving at a solution. He didn't use action research in the education department, which was then originated by Stephen M. Corry in the year 1951. According to Stephen M. Corry, it is a process through which practitioners attempt to study their problems scientifically in order to guide, correct, and evaluate their decisions and action is called Action research.

MC Grath and others also defined action research as 'an organized investigation activity which aims towards the study and constructive change of a given endeavor by individual and group concerned with such change and improvement.' [1]

CV Good, on the other hand, focused on the educational department stating it as research used by teacher supervisors and administrators to improve the quality of their decision and actions.

Characteristics of Action Research

Action Research is one of the longitudinal researches and based on empirical research. It is a type of applied research and helps to evaluate local problems. The solution of action research is immediate and effective. It is based on social-economic objectives and is limited to the local population. It has a wide scope and is not based on theory building, construction, and random sampling. Action Research is a cyclic process. It has a flexible nature and can be molded with time and need. Action research focuses on local-level problems of research. Reflection is considered an integral part of Action Research.

Action Research process

The action research process consists of the following three basic phases:

1.Look: In this phase of action research, the problem is being diagnosed through picture building in mind. When the issue is identified, then information gathering takes place.

2.Think: Thinking process involves interpreting the mindset, explaining, and analyzing the situation. Action planning is the major step involved in this. Alternating solutions to issues and deficiencies are being discussed.

3.Act: Action research involves the act of resolving the problem by choosing the alternatives present for the course of action. It involves the act of seeking appropriate activities and plans the solution accordingly.[2]

Steps Involved in Action Research Process

In the year 1951, Harold Anderson, in his book M. Introduction to the projective technique involved following eight steps

● The identification of the issue faced in an organization.

● Preparation of defining and eliminating the problem.

● Formulating the objective of research proposed individually or in collaboration.

● Analyzing the cause of the issues.

● The next step involves the formulation of the action of the hypothesis made.

● Then data collection for action is being conducted.

● The implementation of design for test action hypothesis.

● Conclusion of action being testified

● The final step involves the preparation of the final report

The main purpose of Action research

Action research helps practitioners to strengthen their progress as reflective practitioners. Action research helps in making progress on school-wide development, commonly focusing on the strong sense of spirit de corps. Action research helps build the professional environment in any learning organization.

Types of Action Research

1.Individual Action Research: Individual action research, as the name suggests, is conducted by a single individual. E.g., a class teacher conducting research for the benefit of her class and teaching style.

2.Collaborative Action Research: Collaborative action research involves different groups of individuals working on a particular issue. E.g., team members working on a project for an organization.

3.School/organization-wide Action Research: This action research involves the heads of a department majorly solving a collective issue faced by the organization in the traditional research methods used in the legal profession

Concept of Legal Participatory Action Research

Many legal scholars have always tried making certain changes in traditional research methods followed in the legal profession. There are four methods involved in legal participatory action research: concept making, appreciative inquiry, asset mapping, and photovoice.

In the concept-making method, legal participation involves a private and then public mindset about how and what individuals in a group think about particular issues.[3] It was mainly focused on money and loan to identify various experiences of the participants in the respective community. The appreciative inquiry and asset mapping are used to find out the strengths and weaknesses of each participant in order to continue problem-solving. The Photovoice method is the type of method in which the participants are given cameras with assignments to illustrate the problem and then address them in groups.

Action research is different from general research.

Action research is a more narrow approach to research than the normal domain. It involves a specified group of individuals who are present in the particular scenario to the problem. In general research, it is not necessary that the specified group researching is the same as the consuming group, but in action research, the solution research and the consumption are done by the same specified group.


Action research has played a vital role in the educational field to accomplish professionalism, motivation, efficiency, and meeting the diverse community expectations. Now through the above discussion, it is crystal clear that action research is not just a method or a procedure to conduct research, but a proper go through, observed practice to conduct the inquiry for a problem and finally working for its solution.

REFERENCE [1]Research Methods, Critical issues in research design in action research, Research Gate ( July, 30, 20210.

[2] Richard Sagar, What is action research, Guiding school improvement with action research(July, 30, 2021)

[3]Emily M.S. Houh, It's Critical: Legal P s Critical: Legal Participatory Action Research, Academia Edu Volume 19(July, 30, 2021),

*The Author is a 4th-year B.B.A.LLB (Hons) student at Chandigarh University

Disclaimer: The opinions and views in this article are personal and independent opinions of the author. VAIDHA does not hold any liability arising out of this article.

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